TEDxMaplesMetSchool LiveStream

Any community will always have its norms and rules, but what would it look like  to be barrier-free? To shift the powers of our society and redefine the status quo? What does it mean to push boundaries and perspectives in search for creativity and fluidity? 

What checks and balances are valuable and lead to power-shifting in our society?

What limits are needed to ensure equity?

Agenda for TEDxMaplesMetSchool

11:00 — Doors Open

11:30 — Welcome and Openings

11:40 — Speaker: Jacob Kaufman

12:00 — Speaker: AnnMarie Baines

12:20 — Break

12:30 — TED.com Film

12:50 — Speaker: Kolby Alexander

1:10 — Speaker: Sherry McKay

1:30 — Performance & Closing



  hours  minutes  seconds



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